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Month: March 2024
Who can join a workstation to the Active Directory domain?
By default all domain users have the ability to add a workstation to the domain.
Limits on the number
The limitation on this task is that any one user can add a maximum of 10 workstations to the domain.
When the user reaches the maximum number of computers joined to the domain, he receives this error message
Who added a workstation to active directory?
To find out who added a workstation to the active directory, simply run this ppowershell script created based on this article:
Using PowerShell to Discover Who Added a Client to Your Domain
Clear-Host Write-Host "I'm writing ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota" # List the current value of ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota Get-ADDomain | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DistinguishedName | Get-ADObject -Properties 'ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota Write-Host "Number clients in this environment" Get-ADComputer -Filter * | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count Write-Host "Number users in this environment" Get-ADUser -Filter * | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count Write-Host "" Write-Host "Who did this?" $Clients = Get-ADComputer -Properties ms-ds-CreatorSid, WhenCreated -Filter {ms-ds-creatorsid -ne "$Null"} $Users = Get-ADUser -Filter * ForEach ($C in $Clients) { ForEach ($U in $Users) { If ($U.Sid -eq $C.'ms-ds-creatorsid') { $C | Select-Object -Property @{ Name = 'ComputerName'; Expression = {$C.Name}}, @{Name = 'WhenCreated'; Expression = {$C.WhenCreated.DateTime}}, @{Name = "UserName"; Expression = {$U.Name} } } } }
Change the limit on the number of workstations
It is possible to modify this number by increasing it or bringing it to 0. If it is set to 0, users will have to have particular permissions to be able to add a computer to the domain.
To do this, from the domain controller, launch the adsiedit.msc command.
On the left, position yourself on the main node that begins with “DC=…”. Right-click -> Properties. The key with the number to change is MS-DS-MachineAccountQuota.
Restrict adding a workstation to the domain to a group
It is possible to limit the ability to add workstations to the domain to a group of users by acting directly on the GPOs
Computer Configuration → Windows Settings → Security Settings → Local Policies → User Rights Assignment
Look for the “Add workstations to the domain” entry and change it to specify only the users and groups that can perform the add operation.
Pulizia account Microsoft 365 – Office 365
Exchange Online / Microsoft 365 SMTP settings
Generic settings
- SMTP server:
- Port: 587
- Requires SSL: Yes
- Requires TLS: Yes (if available)
- TLS version : 1.2
- Authentication: Yes
- Username: email address
- Password: Your passwor
User configuration
SMTP sending is not enabled by default.
- Log in as administrator to the account
- Tab – Mail
- Click on “Manage email applications”
- Select Authenticated SMTP
Deploy Xamarin Android App to Google Play Store
Xamarin App basic configuration
Visual Studio Configuration to Debug
Open in editor xml (using Visual Studio)
Project Propreties
- Set use Fast Deployment (in the image below is not set)
- Select apk
Visual Studio Configuration to Play store
Open in editor xml (using Visual Studio)
Project Propreties
- Remove use Fast Deployment
- Select bundle