- Right-click on the database and go to Tasks > Generate Scripts.
- Select the tables that you want to generate the script.
- Go to Set scripting options tab and click on the Advanced button.
- In the General category, go to Type of data to script
- There are 3 options: Schema Only, Data Only, and Schema and Data. Select the appropriate option and click on OK.
Category: DataBase
SQLSERVER – Backup on mapped drive
You are trying to backup a sqlserver db on mapped network drive. You have already mapped the drive in Windows and you can see that drive in Windows Explorer. You are not able to see the drive which is mapped when you open the backup procedure using SqlServer Managment studio.
First of all you not need the previous mapped network drive created by Explorer. You have to create this drive using SqlServer, and you’ll not be able to see it using Exploer.
Enable xp_cmdshell
You need to execute below to enable xp_cmdshell as its disabled by default due to security reasons. (Please turn off again once you done with the work)
Using SSMS execute thesse commands :
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1; GO RECONFIGURE; GO
EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell',1 GO RECONFIGURE GO
After this you ‘ll have a positive reaction a this command that using SSMS you should use for testing previous operations :
Map Network Drive
To map network drive you have to use the same command that you should use over Windows ysig command prompt :
'net use Z: \\networkShare\Test'
So, using SSMS you have to run the command
EXEC XP_CMDSHELL 'net use Z: \\networkShare\Test'
Now you should test this connection with the command
but, the most important goal, is tha you’ll be able to see teh drive Z during backup proceure over SSMS
Map Network Drive cmd – net use user password
The above command will work and completes successfully without asking the user to provide a username/password if the user has authorized access to this network share. If not, But the easy way is to use the “net use” command on the command prompt line explained above.
net use Z: \\networkShare\Test /u:domainname\username password
So, using SSMS you have to run the command
EXEC XP_CMDSHELL 'net use Z: \\networkShare\Test /u:domainname\username password'
more than one instance of sql server
Move a mysql – mariadb database from one windows server to another windows server
Install xampp on the new server and If mysql is on, turn it off.
In the folder C: \ xampp \ mysql \ data create a new folder, for example with the name of the database you are moving.
Copy in it all the data files (.frm, .ibd, .myd, .myi) from the relative folder of the old server.
Make a copy in a backup folder of the file ib_logfile0, ib_logfile1, ibdata1 those are in the folder “C: \ xampp \ mysql \ data” in the new server.
Copy the files ib_logfile0, ib_logfile1, ibdata1 from the old server to the same location as the new server, i.e. in the folder C: \ xampp \ mysql \ data
Start mysql. Open a dos prompt, go to the directory
cd C: \ xampp \ mysql \ bin mysql -u root -p show databases;
You should see the new database added to the previous ones.
Open another dos prompt and check the tables with the commands
cd C: \ xampp \ mysql \ bin mysqlcheck -uroot -p YOURDATABASE
Open your browser and connect to phpmyadmin with http: // localhost / phpmyadmin
You should see the database and tables.
Opening a csv file in Excel. How to keep all leading zeros in fields
When you open a csv file in Excel, if you have data that contains zero (0) at the beginning, it will be transformed into numbers losing the leading zero. Let’s see how to avoid losing the leading zeros.
Do not open the csv file with Excel. Instead, open Excel with a new sheet. Go to the “Data” tab and press “from text / csv”.
Upload your csv file now. A new window appears which performs a data transformation.
Above you have some important choices.
Excel figured out which the csv file delimiter is. Note: use this procedure also when you are importing data saved in a csv file with a different delimiter from your standard.
Excel tries to figure out the data type for each column “based on the first 200 rows”; I recommend that you select “based on the entire dataset”. This way Excel should understand that the column with zeros contains text and not numbers. Press “Load” to end the procedure or “Transform Data” to force other choices if necessary.
installing sqlserver 2008: Performance counter registry hive consistency check failed
if, during installation of Sql Server 2008 you have this error : Performance counter registry hive consistency check failed
First try
Open a command prompt with administrator user rights (Run as Administrator)
cd c;/windows/system32
lodctr /R:PerfStringBackup.INI
Restart the system and try again to install sqlserver
Second attempt
Open a command prompt with administrator user rights (Run as Administrator). Lunch install without that feature
C:\MyFolder\SQLEXPR_x86.exe /ACTION=install /SKIPRULES=PerfMonCounterNotCorruptedCheck
Sql Server 2014, Integration Services and Oracle
SSIS is not present on Sql Server 2014. To create Integration Service packages, you must download and install SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT).
You will also use this tool to convert SSIS packages created with Sql Server 2008 into the new project format.
Connect to Oracle from SSDT on SQL SERVER 2014
To connect to Oracle through ADO.NET in the SSDT environment, you must install an Oracle client. You’re definitely working on a 64-bit machine. You must download the 32-bit client and install it by choosing the “Administrative” installation type.