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How to Deploy ASP.NET Core Web API on IIS Windows Server

(Tested on windows server 2012r2)

Install the .NET Core Hosting Bundle on Windows Server

The .NET Core Hosting bundle is an installer for the .NET Core Runtime and the ASP.NET Core Module. The bundle allows ASP.NET Core apps to run with IIS.

Current version:.NET Core Hosting Bundle installer (direct download)

(for this test we installed version .Net Core 8 on win 2012r2)

Visual Studio : Publish on Folder

After creating the ASP.NET Core application in Visual Studio, we can use the Visual Studio Publish Tool to deploy and run our app. For this project, choose to publish to a folder. Choose the folder and hit “Finish”.

In the next screen, where you see the settings for this deploy, click on “More Actions” and then on “Edit”.

Select :

  • Deployment Mode : Complete
  • Target Runtime : win-x64 (for our server)
  • File Publish Options : Delete all existing files prior to publish (flagged)
  • Database : Default Connection edit (if yuu need it)

Save this configuration, control it an Publish.

Copy the contents of the folder on the IIS server to the folder dedicated to the new site.

IIS and new site

Create the site on IIS. For the Application Pool you have to use default .NET CLR Version : v4.0.

Open your browser and call up the site. You receive the “page not found” error (404).

Remember that a site that hosts only calls web api. To verify that it works you can use the controller that Visual Studio sets by default when creating a site. Then type:

and you will get a result. The site works!

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Who can join a workstation to the Active Directory domain?

By default all domain users have the ability to add a workstation to the domain.

Limits on the number

The limitation on this task is that any one user can add a maximum of 10 workstations to the domain.


When the user reaches the maximum number of computers joined to the domain, he receives this error message

Who added a workstation to active directory?

To find out who added a workstation to the active directory, simply run this ppowershell script created based on this article:

Using PowerShell to Discover Who Added a Client to Your Domain


Write-Host "I'm writing ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota"

# List the current value of ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota
Get-ADDomain |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty DistinguishedName |
Get-ADObject -Properties 'ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota' |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota

Write-Host "Number clients in this environment"
Get-ADComputer -Filter * | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
Write-Host "Number users in this environment"
Get-ADUser -Filter * | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count

Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Who did this?"
$Clients = Get-ADComputer -Properties ms-ds-CreatorSid, WhenCreated -Filter {ms-ds-creatorsid -ne "$Null"}
$Users = Get-ADUser -Filter *

ForEach ($C in $Clients)
ForEach ($U in $Users)
If ($U.Sid -eq $C.'ms-ds-creatorsid')
$C | Select-Object -Property @{
Name = 'ComputerName'; Expression = {$C.Name}},
@{Name = 'WhenCreated'; Expression = {$C.WhenCreated.DateTime}},
@{Name = "UserName"; Expression = {$U.Name}

Change the limit on the number of workstations

It is possible to modify this number by increasing it or bringing it to 0. If it is set to 0, users will have to have particular permissions to be able to add a computer to the domain.

To do this, from the domain controller, launch the adsiedit.msc command.

On the left, position yourself on the main node that begins with “DC=…”. Right-click -> Properties. The key with the number to change is MS-DS-MachineAccountQuota.


Restrict adding a workstation to the domain to a group

It is possible to limit the ability to add workstations to the domain to a group of users by acting directly on the GPOs

Computer Configuration → Windows Settings → Security Settings → Local Policies → User Rights Assignment

Look for the “Add workstations to the domain” entry and change it to specify only the users and groups that can perform the add operation.

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AD – Active Directory – Export Users Password Expiration Date to a file

how to get the password expiration date for Active Directory User Accounts.

Open PowerShell and run the command

$ExportPath = 'c:\temp\passwordexpiration.csv’
Get-ADUser -filter {Enabled -eq $True -and PasswordNeverExpires -eq $False} –Properties "DisplayName", "msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed" |
Select-Object -Property "Displayname",@{Name="ExpiryDate";Expression={[datetime]::FromFileTime($_."msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTim
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Active Directory: change server roles

In a multiserver Windows Active Directory Server environment, it may be necessary to move roles from one server to another.

Which server has Active Directory roles?

To find out which server has the Active directory roles type the command:


Transfer roles with command line.

Open a Dos prompt and type:







Connect to server ServerFQDN

Where server is the server you want to pass roles to



Depending on the roles you want to switch, type the following commands:

Ruolo Credenziali Comando
Master for domain naming Enterprise Administrators Seize naming master
Master schema Schema Administrators Seize schema master 
Iìnfrastructur master  Domain Admins Seize infrastructure master 
Master PDC emulator Domain Admins Seize pdc
master RID Domain Admins Seize rid master
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microsoft wsus : questions and answers

How to update group policy on a client ?

gpupate /force

Which wsus server is registered on a client ?

REG QUERY "HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate"

How to print group policy group for a client on screen ?

Gpresult /r

How to  confirm whether the update has been downloaded on the WSUS server first ?

Add file staus option. In wsus , in update window, right click on grid header and select “File Status”. The green icon means that the update is ready for installation.

How to get update log in a client via PoerShell ?

Open Powershall with admin privileges and digit :


This command will build a wsus client log on desktop.

How to remove a windows computer from wsus updating

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Error from Filezilla Client to Microsoft IIS FTP Server

When you connect to ftp server create with Microsoft IIS using Filezilla Client you should have this error

GnuTLS error -48: Key usage violation in certificate has been detected. Could not connect to server

Your configuration settings are something like this :

  • Protocol: FTP – File Transfer Protocol
  • Encryption: Require explicit FTP over TLS

The problem is with self signed certificate on server side. This is a problem with the certificate generation of Microsoft IIS, as it does not allow the certificates to be used for digital signatures.

How to generate a valid certificate with IIS

This is a server-side issue, and it did not appear previously because earlier versions of FileZilla shipped with a GnuTLS version that didn’t make this check.

Quoting Tim Kosse’s post in the FileZilla forum thread:

In any case, the problem is with your server’s X.509 certificate chain: Either the server certificate itself or another certificate in the chain has a key usage restriction that is violated. For example a certificate with a key usage restriction to signing cannot be used to authenticate TLS connections. See section of RFC 5280.

This is a problem with the certificate generation of Microsoft IIS (but may also happen if you incorrectly generated a certificate with another method), as it does not allow the certificates to be used for digital signatures. OpenSSL is much more relaxed about this and won’t fail because of it, so it may work with other apps.

On the client side, you can either disable TLS, downgrade to an earlier version of FileZilla (neither of these is recommended due to potential security risks), or use a different client which uses another library such as OpenSSL for now.

How to generate a valid certificate with IIS

This needs to be done on the server side, can generate the certificate with PowerShell instead until the issue is fixed by Microsoft. Open PowerShell in admin mode.

The following powershell command will create our self-signed certificate for our binding and store it in the Personal Store (Note how I also store a reference to the certificate in a variable called $cert this will be needed further on):

$binding = ""
$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName "$binding" -CertStoreLocation "cert:\LocalMachine\My"

However, this is not enough to make the certificate work for HTTPS in our browser. We need to add our newly created certificate to the Trusted Root Certificate store. To do this we take our $cert variable which references our created certificate and add it to our Trusted Root Certificate store like so:

$DestStore = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store([System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName]::Root,"localmachine")

Now you have to set the new certicate on your ftp site using IIS Admin.