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SuiteCRM Converting Lead with custom fields into the new Account


In “Account” you have the field named “industry” but this field doesn’exist in entity “Lead”. You need to have thi field also in the “lead” and this field must be converted in the corresponding field in the new Account entity.

Create Custom Field

In “Studio” search for Account entity and select “fields” folder. Search for the “industry” field. As you can see, this field is a dropdown field linked to “industry_dom” field.

Move yourself to “Lead” entity in fields folder : create a new field named, for example, mec_lead_industry_c. You need to link this field to the “industry_dom” field, so you will have in Account and Lead the same data in the drop down.

Now you have to do a customization of Lead’s forms to see the new field. So you will be able to set this information for your Lead. The problem is that, when you will convert this lead in a new acount , you will not see the related informaztion about “industry” (in account entity).

Map Custom field between Lead and Account

Create a Copy of /modules/Leads/views/view.convertlead.php in custom/modules/Leads/views/
Edit your copy

Search for this code :

if ($module == 'Contacts') {
$beans[$module]->id = create_guid();
$beans[$module]->new_with_id = true;
$beans[$module]->account_id = '';

After this code you have to add, in our example, this code to automatically map the two fields in transformation.

if ($module == 'Accounts')
$beans[$module]->industry = $lead->mec_lead_industry_c;


Entity Description Name dropodwon field
Account Type account_type account_type_dom
Account Industry industry industry_dom
Lead lead_source lead_source lead_source_dom
Contact lead_source lead_source lead_source_dom
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Dynamics 365 – User Permissions

Users don’t log in Dynamics 365 if they don’t have at least one role assigned

Enter Dynamics – Advanced Settings – Security – Users
Select the user with the flag on the left: at the top “Manage roles” button


  • System administrator (the user who can do everything)
  • Dynamics 365 App for Outlook user
  • Sales Professionale Manager
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Dynamics 365 – custom field

From Dynamcs 365, go to Advanced Settings.

In Advanced Settings, Customizations select Customize System. In the menu on the left, under “Entities”, look for the entity you want to personalize. Navigate to the form where the new field is needed.

Under “fields” press “New” to insert a new field. The name of the field must be specified. At this point Dynamics creates “its” name for your field. For example if you named it “Origin”, Dynamics creates the name “new_Origin”. I advise you to modify it with something more specific referring to the entity you are working on: for example “new_Origin_Lead”.

You can select the type of field. If you want to have a drop-down menu displayed with a choice you have to select “option set”. Here you can create your own set of options but we advise you not to; if you create your set here, it will only refer to this field in this entity and it will be impossible to bind this field to another similar field in a different entity. To do this you need to bind the field to an existing option set, ie a set of options that can be used in different entities. Dyamics already has its very complete set of options, which can be integrated. The customization mask is always used to manage the option sets; under the heading “Entities” you will find the heading “Option Sets”.

Map fields between different entities

You can map attributes between entities that have an entity relationship. This lets you set default values for a record that is created in the context of another record

Fields can be inherited by different entities during a transformation. To do this you need to do a mapping of the fields. In the customization mask, select the entity you want to work on and select the type of relationship (1: N – N: 1). Now select only the customizable relationships with the drop-down menu at the top. Double click on the relation whose mapping you want to modify. In the menu on the left select “Mapping”. Press on New and select the starting and destination fields.


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Customization in Dynamics 365 App for Outlook

Using Dynamics 365 App for Outlook, it is possible to create new information from Outlook or link the email to existing information. In Dynamics 365 information is collected in entities (Lead, Contact, Account, Invoice, etc) but not all entities are visible through Outlook. Let’s see how to add them and remove those that don’t interest us:

Add the entity to the list of entities which are enabled for Categorized Search

From Dynamcs 365, go to Advanced Settings.

Go Settings > Administration and then select System Settings.

From the System Settings menu, select the General tab and scroll down until you find the section on Categorized Search. Click “Select”.

In Advanced Settings, Customizations select Customize System. In the menu on the left, under “Entities”, look for the entity you want to add to the Outlook search, for example Orders.

There must be the following settings:

Power Apps

  1. Sign in to Power Apps.
  2. On the left nav, select Solutions.
  3. Select the Default Solution > More Commands > Edit.

You will now see a new menu on the left with all the objects managed in Dynamics. Click on App. Select the ‘Dynamics 365 App for Outlook’ option to open up the App Designer. Once in this window, select ‘Add’ followed by ‘Entities’ to pick which entities you wish to include going forwards and then complete the addition by including all assets oe removing them.

Save your changes and publish the customisation


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Install Dynamics 365 App for Outlook

Set the default synchronization method

From Dynamcs 365, go to Advanced Settings.

Go Settings > Administration and then select System Settings.

Select the Email tab, and set Process Email Using to Server-Side Synchronization.

Select the Email tab, and set Process Email Using to Server-Side Synchronization.

Enable mailboxes

In Advanced Settings. go Settings > Email Configuration and then select Mailboxes.

Select the mailboxes.

On the command bar, select APPROVE EMAIL and then select OK. On the command bar, select APPROVE EMAIL and then select OK.

Verify configuration

Double click on mailbox. If the set up is successful, the configuration Test Results section will change from Not Run to Success.

Provide security role access

In Advanced Settings. go Settings > Security and then select Users

Select the users from the list and then select Manage Roles. Select the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook User security role to the users and then select OK.


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SuiteCRM Print as PDF produces corrupted PDFs

Whenever you use the Print as PDF option, the output is unopenable (Acrobat says it’s been damaged). You can edit the generated pdf file with Notepad ++. You can see that before the start of the pdf text (% PDF-1.4), there is a list of php warnings. If you delete all these lines and save the file, you will be able to view your pdf.


This solution is valid for SuiteCRM versions 7.11.18 and 7.11.21.
These versions are not compatible with php higher than version 7.3. So upgrade your php to version 7.3 and everything will work.