Tag: hp
Vmware version to install in HPE server

To install vmware esx in a HPE server you dont-have to download iso file directly from vmware site but it-s better to download the exactly HPE vmaware version following this link https://www.hpe.com/us/en/servers/hpe-esxi.html
You will be redirect in vmware site but you will be able to download the version with the correct HPE drivers.
How to power-off a hp server via ILO 5
HPE Proliant Bios allert yellow message on start up
When you power up your new HPE Proliant server you may see this message in yellow.
Important information available or errors detected. Press F1 to continue. F2 for more information.
Push F2 and understand that the system is all healthy.
Why does the server give you this alert message?
Perhaps you have simply installed an additional power supply but have not plugged the cord into the mains.
HPE : connettersi a iLO
Come connettersi a ILO in un server Proliant
- Attraverso il sito web connettendovi all’ip di ilo.
- Attraverso SSH :
- Aprite un prompt di DOS con permessi amministrativi
- Andate in PowerShell (digitate powershell)
- Connettetevi a ilo tramite ssh : ssh <ip del server> -l <Administrator>
- RESTful interface Tool.
- HP Lights-Out Console (HPLOCONS)
Update a hp server with an .iso file
If you need to upgrade a hp server with an iso file, such as Service Pack for Proliant or Intelligent Provisioning Recovery Media, you can not use generic software to create the usb key with the iso. You must use the HPE USB Key Utility for Windows / Linux.
Instructions for Windows
Download the file (link above) and run the installation.
In the c:\Program Files\usbkey folder, run the usbkey.exe file to create your iso on usb stick.
Hardware Vendor Links
- verification of the guarantee status of the products – https://support.hpe.com/hpsc/wc/public/find
- Hewlett Packard Enterprise Centro di assistenza : https://support.hpe.com/hpesc/public/home
- Forum, Blog per assistenza : https://community.hpe.com/
- Video HP : https://sml-csr.ext.hpe.com/
- Check serial number for support
- HPE Licenses enterprise : https://myenterpriselicense.hpe.com/
- HPE server part compatibility : https://hpeseroptcomptool.it.hpe.com/
Power and Thermal Calibration in Progress…
hp MSA2000 Leftover Disk Drives
source : http://www.dectrader.com/docs/set01/26874/c01394278.html#pf33
- Select Manage > Utilities > Disk Drive Utilities > Clear Metadata. An enclosure view is displayed in which only Leftover and Available drives are selectable. Available drives are considered to have had their metadata cleared, but are selectable in case a drive with partial metadata has been inserted into the system.
- Select the drives whose metadata you want to clear.
- Click Clear Metadata For Selected Disk Drives
Re-Join Physical Disk to VDisk RAID
- In the HP MSA Storage Management Utility, Right click on the affected vdisk and select Configuration > Manage Dedicated Spares
- Your disk should appear in the list of available drives with a state of AVAIL. Tick the drive, then click the Modify Spares button.
- The disk will be re-joined to the array. Initially it may be listed as a spare, but the MSA will automatically re-join the disk as an active member of the RAID if this is how it was originally configured.
- The array will begin the Reconstruction process automatically. This can take a very long time depending on the size of your drives.
- In this situation, original SPARE has now become AVAIL. So, re-add this AVAIL disk as SPARE using above steps. After setting this as spare – this disk will now show a status of: VDISKSP or SPARE