You have a library (dll) with one or more image and you want to use those image in your application.
Load Resource from application
Consider having a library called : myLibrary.dll with some class inside with Namespace mylibrary.
In your bapplication you can get to the resources by referencing the assembly :
Assembly assem = Assembly.LoadFrom("myLibrary.dll");
You can enumerate the resource files
string[] resNames = assem.GetManifestResourceNames(); if (resNames.Length == 0) Console.WriteLine(" No resources found."); foreach (var resName in resNames) Console.WriteLine(" Resource 1: {0}", resName.Replace(".resources", "")); foreach (var resName in resNames) Console.WriteLine(" Resource 2: {0}", resName);
And this will be the output :
Resource 1: myLibrary.Properties.Resources
Resource 2: myLibrary.Properties.Resources.resources
The replace is necessary because the real resource name is the first one (without .resources)
Now, If you have an image called myBitmap.png in your resources, you can load it, using ResourceManager
ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("myLibrary.Properties.Resources", assem);
and finally
Object myres = rm.GetObject(myBitmap);
Load Resource inside Library
To get resource from a class inside your resource library, defined a new class, for example myClass and reference own assembly :
rm = new ResourceManager("myLibrary.Properties.Resources", typeof(myClass).Assembly);
At this point you can withdraw the resource as seen above.